To all our Dhipirri friends,
Firstly we understand first-hand how much of an impact COVID-19 has made on everyone in Australia. This pandemic has affected us all in one way or another, whether it be your health, finances or mental capacity. We would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to all those who have been affected greatly and just ask that we all be supportive of each other and extend a helping hand where possible. Just remember “a little bit can go a long way” in someone’s world without you even realising it!
We are happy to notify you all that Dhipirri Barra Lodge is now ‘open for business’. This will only apply to those who are permitted to travel within the COVID-19 travel conditions outlined by the Northern Territory Government and your resident state.
Being located within the strict bio-security limits of Arnhem Land meant we had to close our doors in March this year. With border closures we took this opportunity to do some general maintenance to the lodge. These jobs are now complete and we are up and running again.
As at today – Friday 28th August 2020 – the following are the travel restrictions for each state/territory under the COVID-19 conditions put in place by the NT Government.
Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia – residents of these states can travel to Dhipirri Barra Lodge without quarantine restrictions. *Providing you haven’t been in a hotspot zone 14 days prior to travel*
Western Australian residents can travel to us but will have to quarantine for 14 days on return to WA.
Victorian residents are not allowed to travel unless in isolation before leaving VIC and on your return.
New South Wales has a number of ‘hotspots’ as designated by the NT government which results in various travel restrictions.
NB: Please be sure to check with our Darwin office for up to date information however the below links should be your first port of call for the current border situation:
Northern Territory Government COVID Information:
Australian Interstate Quarantine Information:
NSW Border Information:
For more related links please download our helpful PDF summary here: Travel Restrictions Summary 27 Aug 2020
Photo of Dhipirri Airport prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020.
We want to take this opportunity to shout out a big Thank you to everyone for your support and words of encouragement.
Thank you to those for your patience and being understanding during this period whilst trying to get our business back underway. Operating in these uncertain times hasn’t been and still isn’t easy and we truly hope that Dhipirri will be able to open their doors up to everyone in Australia in the very near future. It is very much appreciated!!!!
Thank you to everyone who has sent us enquiries and those who we have managed to lock in dates. We want to apologise if you are still waiting to confirm dates for your charter. With the uncertainty surrounding border access and constant changes to flight schedules it has been a frustrating time for us to say the least. We are constantly having to reschedule our clients time and time again.
The past week or so has given us somewhat clarity into those unfortunate anglers who most likely won’t be able to visit the Northern Territory during our 2020 season and those lucky anglers who can travel without having to quarantine.
I would like to encourage everyone who has in the past tried to book a charter but couldn’t due to no dates available and those who may not have as yet received dates as requested to please contact us immediately with your details or a gentle reminder to follow up with an earlier request!
If you haven’t received a reply to your enquiry or waiting on our information pack to be sent please contact the Darwin office immediately. We would hate to think that we have missed responding to anyone who has taken time out of their day to contact us.
If you do require any assistance or have questions about travel please call the Darwin office via phone on (08) 8983 3722 or mobile 0418 847 867 or you can email us direct via [email protected]
We will continue to do the best we can in the fast changing and uncertain environment we are all living in.
And look forward to welcoming you all back to Arnhem Land to chase our famous Dhipirri Barra.
Kind regards,
Darren, Sharon and the Dhipirri family.
Below is a document from the NT Government approving the COVID-19 measures now in place at Dhipirri Lodge.
Social Distancing Stage 3 Document – June 2020.
Dhipirri Barra TV: A Day on The Glyde River Part 1 - 19 minute Episode →